Phantom of the Roc
Price (GST inc): Service Fee $990.00

Registration: Q26214
Gender: Stallion
D.O.B. : 07/01/92
Height: 15.1 hands
Sire: Roc ‘O’Lena (Imp)
Dam: Warana Bar
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Phantom of the Roc
· Numerous Campdraft Wins
· R.O.M. in Campdrafting
· 2004 Mt Isa Barrel Racing Champion
· 2004 Mt Isa All Round Cowgirl Title
· 2004 APRA All Round Cowgirl Title
· Winner at Breakaway, Steer Undecorating, Barrel Race
“Phantom of the Roc” is the latest edition to the O.H. Corral Stallion Station. He is the beautiful Buckskin Stallion standing at 15.1 hands.
Several competitors have described “Phantom of the Roc” as a “True Athlete” on the Rodeo Circuit. Having won the 2004 Mt Isa Barrel Race and All Round Champion Cowgirl title, the 2004 APRA All-round Cowgirl and wins in Breakaway, Roping and Steer Undecorating one can see why he has be described as an “athlete”. He won all this with his owner Suzie Fearon aboard. He started his competition in the Campdraft arena. Missing out on the final of the Warwick Gold Cup by 1 point is no mean feat for any horse, however he was just a four year old at the time. He never missed a beat and went on to win numerous Novice and Open Campdrafts. Once in Suzie’s hands, she turned him to the Rodeo arena when at Boulia Easter Rodeo and Campdraft she entered the Barrel Race just to ‘make up numbers’ and came second to Wendy Christie’s great horse “Major”, and the rest is history.
Sire – “ROC’O’LENA” – A Cutting Champion himself, he is the sire of numerous Cutting, Barrel Racing,
Campdrafting, Reining Champions. He is the Sire of Traditional Roc, who himself is siring many Barrel Racing winners, including the amazing “Rocs Rager”. “Roc Again” is another son who has made a name for himself, siring many Western Performance Champions. He is out of the grand daughter of “Ann’s Hollywood”. The Roc’O’Lena – Hollywood Return cross produced Amaroo’s Roc’N’Return – a Champion Reiner with lifetime earnings of over $22 000. Quoted as “The best horse I’ve trained and ridden” – The Ian Francis Story.
Dam – WARANNA BAR, was by “War Beaver” out of “Roxanne Bar” herself. Making “Phantom” a double cross “Roxanne Bar”. This mare is bred similar to Rachelle Moloney’s great mare “Roxanna Beaver”. “Waranna Bar” has produced several other campdrafting and cutting winners. “War Beaver” of course produced many Champions in Cutting, Rodeo, and Show arenas.
We are now moving into the third stage of our breeding program, with fillies that have been retained for competition and stud. These mares are by our “Hollywood” stallions out of our original “Leo”, “Top Deck”, “Go Man Go” and “King” bred mares. Then, after several unsuccessful attempts at AI to outside stallions, the decision was made to select another stallion for the stud. “Phantom of the Roc” is everything we are looking for – well performed competitor, versatile, bloodlines that have performed, good conformation with strong legs and bone, and just to top it off – a beautiful buckskin. He is everything that will complement our “Showdown” and “Moonshadow” mares. The fillies retained from these matings will enter into the next stage and be bred to “King Hollywood”.
If you have knowledge of bloodlines, you will know that “Phantom of the Roc” is a great-grandson of “Doc Bar”, and that we said our stallions contain no “Doc Bar” blood. That is true – we have puchased him especially to put over our mares, who contain none of those bloodlines – with this cross we should ensure good highbrid vigour, especially in the double-cross “Hollywood” mares.
“George” as he is affectionately known, has sired winners such as Redberri Roc – ABCRA Novice Camp horse of the Year, and Rosevale Classic Roc, Futurity and Open Barrel Race Winner to name a few. Suzie has retained a stud colt to continue on with. Whilst “Phantom of the Roc” was purchased to breed to our O.H. Corral broodmares, we will stand him to the public.
“George’s” latest feather in his cap, is his daughter, “Halls Questolena” (with rider Jaye Hall aboard), who is sitting 3rd in the ASHS Supaquest Campdrafting series and 7th in the ACA Rookie Horse Standings for the 2011/12 Season. Not a bad effort, for a rising 6 yr old. I think that this proves that his foals will be definate Futurity pospects.