I’m Dun Driftin
Price (GST inc): $

Registration: -78420
Gender: Gelding
D.O.B. : 31-12-12
Height: –
Sire: “Dun It Downunder”
Dam: “Driftin In Hollywood”
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I’m Dun Driftin
Our first foal crop of “Dun It Downunder” has finally arrived and we are not disappointed!” He most certainly puts his stamp on them!
This is the second of two colts born for the 2012 season. He is a beautiful boy with so much of his sires attributes. A sloping shoulder, good length of rein and a big, strong hip. He has a lovely quiet temperament and loves being around people. His colour? Well the jury is out on that one – not sure if he will be a bay, dun or buckskin! Will have to wait and see!!!
There is so much to say about “Dun It Downunder” – he is the sire of reiners, both Open and Non Pro. Which is a testament to him passing on the great temperament of “Hollywood Dun It” – the first Million Dollar earner in the World of Reining, and is still the Number 2 All Time Sire of Reiners in the World, many years after his passing. However we think that “Dun It Downunder” will sire Roping, Barrel Racing, Campdrafting and Challenge horses, because that is exactly what “Hollywood Dun It” has done in the USA. Their dominance in the Reining arena, has overshadowed the wonderful performance is so many other disciplines. [See “Dun It Downunder” Stallion pg. for full history of “Dun It” and this magnificent line of horses].
Lets talk about “Im Dun Driftin”s dam – “Driftin’ in Hollywood” [See Broodmare Pg] is arguably one of our best performed mares, having won and placed in numerous disciplines, including 1st and 2nd in the 5 Head Ladies Breakaway Roping at the Annual Richmond Timed Event Jackpot, where the best ropers en-route to Mt Isa stop over to play. Placed 3rd in Maiden at her first Campdraft, numerous wins in Western Pleasure and Western Riding, CRCA Finals Qualifier in Heeling and Ladies Breakaway. ABHA Capricorn Circuit Hi Point Barrel Racing Champion 2005. This mare has a great mind to adapt to whatever was asked of her, most of which would be done in one weekend or over 2 or 3 weekends.
“Im Dun Driftin” is her second foal. “Rockin In Hollywood” [ Horses For Sale Pg] her first filly is a lovely filly with a great temperament and is showing a lot of promise. With the breeding of his Sire and Dam, he is bound for greatness. Reining? I think that is a given! Rodeo? I think that’s a given! However, he is a great prospect for Drafting, Showing, Cowhorse or Cutting. He has a awesome natural stop on him, as we get to see when he plays! He has huge, strong hind end and really theses photos don’t do him justice! A definite Futurity Prospect!