Hollys Rising Star

Registration: Q-54486
Gender: Mare
D.O.B. : 12/09/01
Height: 14.3h
Sire: Hollywood Showdown
Dam: Hollywood Cheeky
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Hollys Rising Star
“Holly’s Rising Star” is by “Hollywood Showdown” out of “Hollywood Cheeky”.
As a part of our breeding partnership with Les and Cathy Flohr, “Hollywood Cheeky” was purchased for two reasons. The first reason was that she was by the gutsy “Hollywood Star”, one of the few horses to have comeback from a broken hock, to place 3rd in the NCHA Finals, and she was a grand daughter of “Hollywood Return”. She would be one of the first mares that we could start double-crossing. However she also was out of a grand-daughter of “Jessie James”. Breeding that Chilla Seeney beleived was the only way to go in a broodmare – “Hollywood Return – Jessie James”.
The second reason, was that “Cheeky” had already produced two good roping and barrel racing horses in, “Sleek Cutter” aka “Bandit” and “Docs Achy Breaky Oakie”. Add to that, Stella Baulch’s “King” to name one, of several good rodeo horses from “Hollywood Star” mares, so we felt that she would be an asset to the band.
“Holly’s Rising Star” is the first filly by “Showdown” and “Cheeky” and her beautiful quiet temperament impressed us so much that we felt she had to be retained for future breeding. When breaking her in, we had to keep reminding ourselves that she really was not an old stock horse already, she was so quiet. However, she was not a dope, she was so well collected naturally, that she could hold a lope in a small circle with very little effort, almost right from the get go. We were soon to find out that all “Cheeky’s” foals had that exemplary temperament and quietness, with two fillies by “Moonshadow”and one by “King” that are exactly the same.
“Chubby” as we know her, has had her first foal by “Shining Sheriff” – a beautiful palomino filly, with that same gorgeous nature. We are looking forward to many foals out of “Chubby”, especially next season when she should foal to “Phantom of the Roc” – now that should be special!!