Auro Char H/wood Seeke

Registration: A3-570
Gender: Mare
D.O.B. : 15-09-05
Height: 15.1 h
Sire: Ima Cool Seeker
Dam: Montana’s Dream Girl
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Auro Char H/wood Seeke
“Auro Char Hollywood Seeke” is a beautiful big silver buckskin mare, with a huge hip, and sloping shoulder, and she has a pretty head and kind eye to boot! We purchased her from the Auro Char Stud, when we purchased “Dun It Downunder”. She had that ‘stand out’ look about her, and we felt that she would be an asset in our broodmare band.
“Seeker” as she is fondly known as, was not just selected because she was pretty, however when we found out her breeding we knew why she was so pretty – her sire was the great halter and show ring sire, “Ima Cool Seeker”, who has sired such winners as “Skipopotomus” who won a whopping 928.5 AQHA Points, “KP Ima Stardust Seeker” with 520.5 AQHA Points and “Cool Sophistocation” with 398 points. The list goes on and on with winners in Halter as well as under saddle, all with open, amateur and youth riders, which attests to the true versatility and mind that he passes on to his progeny.
Add to this “Seeker”s Dam, “Montanas Dream Girl” who is a grandaughter of “Montana Hollywood Jet”[1979 Moonbi Western Pleasure Futurity Champion, 1980 Champion of Champions Open Western Pleasure winner and 98 AQHA points in Western Pleasure, Halter and English] and “Milanders Joe”, and a great grandaughter of “Jet Along”, “Majestically” and “Bar Deck” – all successful Sprint horses and sires of winning sprinters and performance horses.
“Montanas Dream Girl”, herself was a winner in both Halter and Western Pleasure/Performance, so it is no wonder that “Seeker” took our eye. However this aloone, would not have convinced us to buy her, it was her temperament that was the biggest attaction. We bred her to “King Hollywood”, for a 2012 foal and we were delighted when the gorgeous buckskin filly, “Kings Gold Seeker” [see For Sale pg] arrived. Together they have put an outstanding quality filly on the ground, so we couldn’t be happier. While “Seeker” herself has not performed [she was only purchased with breeding in mind], we feel that with the outstanding quality of performers in her gene pool, together with the outstanding performance history/bloodlines the Stallions at the O.H. Corral have, there is no way we could go wrong – and with her first attempt, “Kings Gold Seeker”, she has proved us right!